Apply for a computer 1


To receive a computer from the Technology Empowerment Center (TEC), you must meet the income requirement listed below:

  • Be a permanent resident of the Twin Cities Metro Area
  • Complete the Application[DJ2]
  • Fulfill TEC’s Basic Computer Course Program:
    1. New User Tutorial (Offered during Open Lab)
    2. Basic & Computer Skills Course (Offered during Open Lab)
    3. Typing and Computer Basics
    4. Email and the Internet
    5. Google Drive
  • Provide proof of address and income in person at TEC
  • Pay the $50 software licensing fee

After you have completed the requirements and the Computer Application, you will be able to purchase and pick up a computer through TEC.  All computer pickup appointment must be scheduled in advance.  Please note: if you are unable to make your scheduled appointment, you must call to reschedule.