SD Cert

Supplier Diversity Masterclass: Session 4 - Measuring the Economic Impact of Your Supplier Diversity Program


Measuring the Economic Impact of Your Supplier Diversity Program

In this class, you’ll learn how calculates the economic impact of your supplier diversity program using a robust methodology. We’ll show you how we transform your diverse spend data into measurable financial and social impacts, such as job creation, income generation, and tax revenue. You’ll also see examples of the branded reports we create, allowing you to effectively communicate these outcomes to stakeholders.

Key Takeaways:

  • Economic Impact Calculation: Understand how uses a industry leading methodology to calculate the financial and social contributions of your diverse suppliers.
  • The Multiplier Effect: Understand the ripple effect of your diverse spend, showing how it amplifies economic activity.
  • Branded Reports: See how creates customized reports that communicate your program’s economic impact in a visually compelling format to share with stakeholders.