TEC Hotel Offices
The Technology Empowerment Center (TEC) offers flexible office space in the form of 2 hotel spaces. Hotel spaces are available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Located inside of UROC, TEC offers free parking and walking distance from the C Line.
Amenities include:
- Computer Station
- Telephone Line
- Self-serve Printing/Copying/Fax Center located in the Resource Room.
TEC Ressource Room
The Technology Empowerment Center (TEC) offers free meeting space in our Resource Room for individuals and business owners to hold meetings and small gatherings.
The Resource Room houses a self-services print, scan, fax, and copy center. Print cards can be purchased on site.
Amenities include:
- 3 Computer Stations
- Conference Table
- Reference Library
- Self-service Print/Copy/Fax Center
The TEC Resouce Room can be reserved and used for private meetings and events.
- The Resource Room cannot be reserved for more than two (2) hours at a time
- The conference table seats 8
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