Moltron Builders Inc.
424 Winnetka Ave N
Minneapolis, MN 55427-4719
United States
Founded in 1991 and is a privately held, certified Minority-Owned Small Business located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our firm provides Construction Management, General Contracting, Project Management, and Design-Build Services in the commercial construction market. Moltron has a relationship approach to business that has consistently produced outstanding projects and satisfied clients. We put forth a level of creativity and quality, that gives us a platform for success.
Campus Served
Owner TGB Classification
Black - Minority Owned Business
Business Category
Products or Services Provided
Contractor - Carpentry
Contractor - Concrete
Contractor - Demolition/Abatement
Contractor - Excavation
Contractor - Flooring (Tile, Carpet, Etc.)
Contractor - General
Contractor - Hauling/Trucking
Contractor - Miscellaneous
Contractor - Painting
Contractor - Paving
Contractor - Project Consulting
Contractor - Wall Finishes/Interiors
Moving/Relocation/Storage Services
Professional Services
Certification Agency
Central Certification (CERT) Program
State of Minnesota Department of Administration
Agency Certificate
Certificate Expiration
Capability Statement