AD Consulting Inc.

612 Liberty Way
Vandais Heights, MN 55127
United States

Contact Name
Amy A Dellwo

With over 30 years of experience in human services and healthcare, AD Consulting Inc. bridges the gap between research and real-world application. We translate complex academic research findings into accessible and impactful resources that local communities and providers can implement to address critical challenges in human services and healthcare

When partnering with organizations like the University of Minnesota we look to ensure that the knowledge generated through rigorous research is not only understood but also applied by communities to drive meaningful, sustainable change.

We want to help you transform cutting-edge research into practical, actionable solutions that empower local communities and providers to improve lives, advances health, and enhances human services systems.

Owner TGB Classification
Woman Owned Business
Business Category
Goods and Services
Products or Services Provided
Professional Services
Certification Agency
State of Minnesota Department of Administration
Certificate Expiration