Evocent Leadership Development Inc

17496 River View Ln SE
Big Lake,, MN 55309
United States

Contact Name
Christine Pouliot

If you or your business want to grow or stay relevant, change is inevitable, and it affects people at every level. Evocent can team up with you to navigate the human side of change that requires much more than a business plan. Leadership coach Christine Pouliot works with businesses and leaders who understand the value and complexity that people bring to an organization and who want to eliminate losses and pain points, optimize performance and engagement, and elevate individuals who matter. Whether you’re transforming a product line, moving headquarters, stabilizing a company through a disruptive event or experiencing a personal career transition, Evocent will support you and your team with a clear path so that people and business grow stronger together. Evocent offers tailored solutions for executives and businesses, bringing tried and true leadership and emotional intelligence principles to diverse landscapes – aligning human engagement with critical business objectives.

Campus Served
Owner TGB Classification
Woman Owned Business
Business Category
Goods and Services
Products or Services Provided
Professional Services
Certification Agency
Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)
Agency Certificate
Certificate Expiration