For Diverse Suppliers | Get Started

2024 SD Expo Attendees

Get Started 

The University is committed to promoting robust supplier diversity by contracting with businesses owned and operated by BIPOC, women, and disabled persons. In FY24, the University spent over $54.3 million with diverse suppliers for goods, services, and construction, up from $50.5 million in FY23. Meanwhile, the number of Minnesota-based suppliers rose to 381, compared to 300 in FY22. 

If you own a business and belong to one of these protected classes, following the steps below will position you to discover business opportunities at the University.

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Step 1. Get certified as a BIPOC-, woman-, or disabled-owned business

The University accepts certifications from the following six agencies:

The first three agencies listed above provide certifications free of charge. Learn more about eligibility requirements and apply to these three agencies all at once through the Small Business Certification Portal. Remember, you must be certified as one or more of these protected classes: BIPOC-, women-, or disabled-owned.

Need certification assistance? The Minnesota Department of Administration's APEX Accelerator can help. Contact a counselor today to get started.

Step 2. Get listed in the U of M Targeted Business Directory

The University of Minnesota relies on small and large suppliers to help us fulfill our core mission of teaching, research, and community service. Our university is a large, complex organization and we need a wide variety of products and services. If you can think of it, we probably buy it at some point during any given year.

Our Targeted Business Directory is intended to be the first stop for university personnel who are seeking to purchase goods and services from business enterprises owned and operated by BIPOC, women, and/or persons with disabilities. Join the directory today to be discovered by University decision makers seeking your good or service.

Submit Your Business

Step 3. Sign up your company in SupplierOne by and showcase your company

SupplierOne by is a supplier discovery platform used by buyers to find new suppliers. Suppliers can create free profiles with the information buyers (at the U and other organizations) need to know when evaluating your company and your products. 

Each year, the University cross-references SupplierOne data with our own to ensure accurate categorization of Targeted Businesses in our system. By signing up for SupplierOne, you help the University recognize your status as a certified Targeted Business, ensuring we accurately track our supplier diversity spending.

Submitting your information is free and easy!

Sign up with SupplierOne Now 

Important Note: If your company is certified by CERTMinnesota Dept of Admin, or MnUCP, SupplierOne automatically syncs with these directories. Your company likely already exists in SupplierOne. In this case, login to claim your business and make any edits you wish. It’s especially important that your company name in SupplierOne matches that your company name in the University’s Targeted Business Directory. If you have any questions, please contact us [email protected].

Step 4. Sign up on MBid to view bid opportunities

Large purchases made at the University are subject to policies which require an open and competitive bid (RFx) process to make sure the University obtains quality products and services at a fair and reasonable price. Targeted Businesses (certified BIPOC-, women- or disabled-owned businesses) gain a competitive advantage on the Supplier Diversity component of the proposal evaluations.

In all instances of competition, Purchasing Services will help ensure the University’s needs are met at the lowest possible cost under the most advantageous terms and conditions available.

Purchasing Services manages the RFx process on purchases that exceed certain dollar thresholds. For the most up-to-date information on these thresholds, please visit Purchasing Services and click on "Sign Up to View Bid Opportunities."

The University's current sourcing tool for issuing an RFx is called MBid. To receive notifications of bid opportunities, suppliers can register for MBid through the Purchasing Services MBid page.

Important Note: The University sometimes leverages contracts from the State of Minnesota or purchasing cooperatives. We advise that you also register as a supplier in the State of Minnesota supplier portal. This will ensure you will receive notifications of additional opportunities that arise in your category.

Step 5. For Construction, Architecture, and Engineering RFPs: complete the online matchmaking forms in MBid

All MBid opportunities related to construction, architecture, and engineering projects feature an "online matchmaking form." Potential Respondents and/or Subcontractors are encouraged to register themselves on this matchmaking form. Once registered, the list of interested Respondents / Subcontractors for the RFP can be viewed on a corresponding matchmaking list. 

This is excellent opportunity for diverse subcontractors to network with primes bidding on the project, and vice versa. 

Step 6. For Construction Primes - complete RFQ in MBid

Complete the University of Minnesota Contractor Safety Program Form Annually

Contractors who are interested in performing work on the University of Minnesota campus must meet or exceed applicable safety, health and environmental laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances, rules, directives, and procedures.

When selecting a Prime contractor, the University will evaluate the contractor’s health and safety programs and previous safety performance through a review process. Potential Prime contractors are required to complete the information found in this RFQ and submit to the University for evaluation. Only those contractors that receive a passing score can be awarded a future University project.

Once the evaluation process is complete, contractors will be able to view their safety scores on the Purchasing Services website. Home | Purchasing Services (

Log into MBid and find 10312-2024 (University of Minnesota Contractor Safety Program (2024)) Request for Qualifying Information. Submit the information prior to bidding on projects.

Step 7. Research U Departments & Reach Out to Them

Explore the U of M's Department Contact Page and search through the multitude of departments that may be potential buyers for your business! We recommend researching and reaching out to 3-4 departments to introduce your business and what you can provide. 

Department Contact Page


Step 8. Register for the U of M Supplier Diversity Expo - All Are Welcome!

A diverse supplier network enhances the strength of the University, local businesses, and our communities. Each year, the Office for Supplier Diversity (OSD) proudly hosts the U of M Supplier Diversity Expo to advance our partnerships with local businesses.

Learn More