Sansom Consulting

750 Bighorn Drive
Chanhassren , MN 55317
United States

Contact Name
Kisrtyn Sansom

As Business and Management Consultants as well as a staffing provider, we provide insight into the data analytics on why people leave their roles and what they look for in their next employer. 

By analyzing data from executive placement and staffing services over the years it has become apparent that employees don't leave because of their job; they leave because of organizational cultures, ineffective managers, and not being paid what they expect.

We believe that together we can create highly effective cultures and leaders that attract talent who will stay and develop their careers. 

When it is time to locate new talent, our local, national and global executive search and placement services help you identify the right people to hire, who will succeed in those roles.

Kirstyn our CEO has worked with the U of M as a Staffing Vendor in the past when working with a global staffing firm. She chose to leave to combine her Human Synergistics (leadership effectiveness training base don thinking and behavior and org culture) and staffing together to make a difference and put people first (managers and talent) in the hiring process to truly find the rough people for the right opportunity. 

Owner TGB Classification
Woman Owned Business
Business Category
Goods and Services
Products or Services Provided
Professional Services
Certification Agency
Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)
Agency Certificate
Certificate Expiration