Strategy & Effectiveness (S&E)
4179 Pepperwood Tr
Minnetonka, MN 55305
United States
Strategy & Effectiveness, LLC was incorporated in early 2019, after a 20+ year history of successful consulting for state, federal and national entities. It is a WOSB/DBE-woman owned boutique management consulting firm specializing in strategy, leadership and management. As a purpose driven company, our mission is to develop high performing leaders, systems, and enterprises. Our work focuses on four impact areas: capacity, collaboration, cultural competence and leadership. We engage in multiple impact strategies including assessments, consultation, facilitation, and knowledge development to deliver sustainable solutions across our four impact areas.
S&E is a registered small business with the Minnesota Secretary of State; it is a Targeted Group Business, Woman and Minority Owned Business, certified by the Minnesota Office of Procurement Programs; it is a WBE/MBE/SBE designated by the Central Certification (CERT) Program for Hennepin County, Ramsey County, the City of St. Paul and the City of Minneapolis; it is a Target Market Business Program Vendor for the City of Minneapolis; it is a designated MCUB with the Metropolitan Council; and a DBE for the Department of Transportation. S&E is registered with the System of Awards Management (SAM), the Department of Defense Logistics and the Department of Defense (DoD).
As a company, we invest in initiatives that change lives, create value and social impact as strategic investments. Our goal is to find solutions to complex challenges, foster growth, and enhance performance. We work with cross sector partners including nonprofits, intermediaries, governments, the public sector, and business enterprises. Our areas of expertise include: Organizational Strategy, Business Strategy, Organizational/Programmatic Frameworks & Models, Planning, Policy /Policy Analysis, Capacity Building, Technical Assistance Initiatives, Organizational Development & Effectiveness, Assessments, Alignment, Cultural Competencies, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Strategy, Workforce Capacity, HR, Strategy and Competency Modeling, Engagement, Executive Leadership, Leadership Development and Coaching.
Strategy & Effectiveness, LLC delivers high level expertise for short to long term management consulting engagements. Our approach is customer centric, systems focused, and participatory in nature. We work in a billable hour environment and utilize project management principles and tools to manage time, cost and scope, and deliver on quality. We engage in custom designed, low to high touch engagements and complex multi-year transformations, supported by the design and delivery of shallow and deep level impact strategies. We leverage technology to maximize efficiency, contain costs and improve outcomes.
Performance Excellence Network (PEN), Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), American Psychological Association (APA), Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), Project Management Institute (PMI), International Coaching Federation (ICF), International Critical Incident Stress Management Foundation (ICISF), Harvard Business Review (HBR) and Harvard Shared Value Initiative